Time Traveler

  • Hello Rogues!

    As I started this Rogue travel with a figure, I will also finish it with a figure. 8th)

    I have always been interested in the idea of time travel.

    There are a lot of theories about it, a lot of pictures and nowhere is there any solid proof that this is possible ... or? :evil:

    Maybe somewhere a crazy cleaver scientist invented a machine, maybe powerfull umbrella for such a trip. Maybe it's possible..

    For the 8th round I present you Time Traveler!

    Equipped with watches for various time jumps, energy umbrella and a suitcase for personal accessories flies through time and space!8th)

    Since I'm not a big fan of digital image editing, I made the background myself with a bit of cardboard and paint, and hung the Time Traveler on a thin string that is very little visible in the photo itself. It was interesting to take photos as the creation was constantly spinning and moving.

    i used 92 parts

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    I am very happy to have been a part of this Rogue travel!

    It was an incredibly interesting 8 weeks!

    Keep on with this Rogues!:thumbup:

  • Hvala vsem. joh lie, Felix-the-Builder, Rauy.

    Very nice comments. : thumb up:

    Confirmation that I am doing the right thing.

    I’ve always preferred analog photography more than digital photography. Photography is a moment in time captured in an image. I’d rather edit a scene before I take a photo than edit an image afterwards. Even if it didn’t work out the best, it’s always unique.

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