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    Billund klingt mega, eine Bitte hätte ich dann nur. Dann bitte den Termin frühzeitig (soll heißen Ende diesen Jahres) bekanntgeben, oder mehrere etwas weiter auseinanderliegende Termine zu Auswahl / Abstimmung stellen.

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    Nachdem ja schon einige Bilder durchs Netz gegeistert sind, gibt es jetzt auch was offizielles zum Baumhaus:

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    Ideas Blog Eintrag

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    Der komisch Punktekurs kommt laut Brickset davon, dass die Punkte auf dänische Kronen geeicht wurden:

    • £1 = 8 points
    • €1 = 7.5 points
    • US $1 = 6.5 points
    • CAD $1 = 5 points
    • AU $1 = 4.5 points
    • NZ $1 = 4 points
    • 1 DKK = 1 point
    • 1 PLN = 1.5 points

    Liebe Grüße


    Also so wie es aussieht hat Lego gerade viel Freude mit der Umstellung, bei vielen ist was schief gegangen und teilweise fehlen Punkte, also schaut euch dass mal bei eurem Account an. Zudem sind schon dieverse Fragen, insbesondere zum einlösen der Punkte, gekommen. Ich kopiere hier mal einfach die Info aus dem LAN (bzw. aus einem anderem Forum):

    Hi all,

    I wanted to take the time to thank you for all your questions and feedback.

    I acknowledge that there have been some challenges with the rollout and we are working to address those challenges as quickly as possible however these first steps were needed to put us on the right path to delivering a program that provides more value. The new support systems will allow us to better respond to your input and expand the benefits/rewards that the VIP program can offer all of our members regardless of where they are, what they buy, or where their passion lie.
    Thanks you again for your questions and feedback.

    Play Well!

    Global VIP Programme Director


    1. Can you explain more about splitting accounts? Many AFOLs have family accounts. Do those with possible family accounts need to call customer service to sort it out?

    There were a number of issues that made it impossible to move linked accounts onto the new platform. This meant we has to split these accounts. At this point all points that were shared have no been distributed evenly across the linked accounts so there is no further action required. We are exploring ways to to share points across accounts and look to roll out this feature in the near future.

    2. It says at the new Reward Center that the code for redeemed LEGO VIP Online Discount can be used at the Online LEGO Shop for 30 days. What happens if someone gets a code and ends up not making a purchase within 30 days? Are the points added back to the account? Or are they lost?

    Once points are converted they need to be used within the validity window. If a code expires the value will be lost. Online vouchers are delivered instantaneously and via email. Instore discounts are currently applied to your account in near real-time. You can redeem on your mobile device while in store and it will be ready waiting for you as you checkout.

    3. It looks like Google translate was used without any check by a native speaker and every little thing is translated, even LEGO HOUSE - Home of the Brick has a strange looking translation that added to confusion. When will this be fixed?

    We will feedback into the translation team and look to have it resolved.

    5. The vouchers to download for store spend can’t be used yet (or couldn’t yesterday). This resulted in a LUG member going to a store to try spend their £140 of points, being told they needed to download a voucher, can’t access the voucher, and ended up not purchasing the product. Why can’t you redeem at checkout like before?

    The new system requires you to choose where you want to redeem points. There are a number of reasons for this including some requirements to support future expansion of the program. Now that the new system is in place, teams are working on ways to make the process easier.

    6. I have a LEGO ID from which I remember, and from what I remember it is associated with a VIP account and with a physical VIP card since ever. Do I have to register again my email address as a VIP user?

    No, your LEGO ID, email address, and VIP number should have remained unchanged. There have been some issues with people who have multiple accounts under the same email address or linked accounts. These issues affected less than 2% of our members. We will work with Consumer Services to create a plan to help address any issues members have with the accounts being merged.

    7. Can I go to the online shop, buy something and just select how many points I want to use and pay (partly) with points?

    Not at this time. You must first choose what you would like to redeem points for. We will continue working to streamline the process in the new system.

    8. Can you explain more about splitting accounts? Many AFOLs have family accounts. Do those with possible family accounts need to call customer service to sort it out?

    There were a number of issues that made it impossible to move linked accounts onto the new platform. This meant we has to split these accounts. At this point all points that were shared have no been distributed evenly across the linked accounts so there is no further action required. We are exploring ways to to share points across accounts and look to roll out this feature in the near future.

    9. It says at the new Reward Center that the code for redeemed LEGO VIP Online Discount can be used at the Online LEGO Shop for 30 days. What happens if someone gets a code and ends up not making a purchase within 30 days? Are the points added back to the account? Or are they lost?

    Once points are converted they need to be used within the validity window. If a code expires the value will be lost. Online vouchers are delivered instantaneously and via email. Instore discounts are currently applied to your account in near real-time. You can redeem on your mobile device while in store and it will be ready waiting for you as you checkout.

    10. Is all the history is now gone? Some AFOLs proud of how many dollars they have spent as a VIP.

    History still exists but now in a legacy system. I will discuss with the developers if we can provide some visibility to this.

    11. It looks like Google translate was used without any check by a native speaker and every little thing is translated, even LEGO HOUSE - Home of the Brick has a strange looking translation that added to confusion. When will this be fixed?

    We will feedback into the translation team and look to have it resolved.

    12. The vouchers to download for store spend can’t be used yet (or couldn’t yesterday). This resulted in a LUG member going to a store to try spend their £140 of points, being told they needed to download a voucher, can’t access the voucher, and ended up not purchasing the product. Why can’t you redeem at checkout like before?

    The new system requires you to choose where you want to redeem points. There are a number of reasons for this including some requirements to support future expansion of the program. Now that the new system is in place, teams are working on ways to make the process easier.

    13. I have a LEGO ID from which I remember, and from what I remember it is associated with a VIP account and with a physical VIP card since ever. Do I have to register again my email address as a VIP user?

    No, you LEGO ID, email address, and VIP number should have remained unchanged. There have been some issues with people who have multiple accounts under the same email address or linked accounts. These issues affected less than 2% of our member. We will work with Consumer Services to create a plan to help address any issues members have with the accounts being merged.

    14. Can I go to the online shop, buy something and just select how many points I want to use and pay (partly) with points?

    Not at this time. You must first choose what you would like to redeem points for. We will continue working to streamline the process in the new system.

    15. Can use more than one voucher at a time?

    Yes, you can use more than 1 discount voucher at a time. Currently you can not use more than one promo code for a physical product.

    16. Can these points be redeemed at LEGO Certified Stores?

    Not as of today, but more to come on this.

    17. Several customer service representatives all told me the system is locked and that they do not have the ability to make changes to VIP points. Is this the case?

    Points can not be “changed” but they can be added and removed. These changes will appear on you account as a transactions.

    18. Do we have to print out this vouchers to use them in a store? If not, what if you don’t own a smart phone?

    No. Currently when you request points to be converted into an in-store/phone discount, this discount is applied to your account and will be waiting for you in-store. You just need to provide your card at checkout and the store associate will apply the discount on your purchase the same as it was in the old program. The difference is you need to request the redemption first.

    19. Is the VIP card still needed for the afol shopping day or how does that work?

    Yes. Cards will still work as they do today. As we transition to digital cards, the members of AFOL community will receive a special version of the digital card that they can show instore.

    20. Wanted lists have completely disappeared. Will they return?

    I believe the team responsible for this is looking into the issue.

    21. Has there been discussion to extend the voucher expiry from 30 days to something longer?

    We are currently discussing the options here. We were able to extend point identify but there are a number of complications with extending the discounts once redeemed. We will continue the discussions and let you know of any changes.

    Insbesondere das Einlösen beim Einkauf scheint jetzt extrem kompliziert und dabei können auch Punkte verfallen... Ist wohl nicht mehr gewünscht das Ganze.

    Liebe Grüße


    Naja, schön finde ich schon mal, dass es ja scheinbar bisher wirklich exklusive Sets nun so zu erwerben gibt. In den FAQs ist zu lesen dass es auch fürs Folgen und Teilen in den sozialen Netzwerken Punkte geben soll. Das hat dann wieder einen etwas faden Beigeschmack wie ich finde. Aber immerhin hat das mit der digitalen Karte hat bei mir jetzt auch geklappt.

    Liebe Grüße


    Moin Leute,

    aus den gängigen Blogs konnte man es ja schon verlauten hören, dass es Änderungen beim VIP Programm geben wird. Nachdem ich beim letzten Storebesuch drauf hingewiesen wurde, dass die VIP Punkte nun nicht mehr so einfach um Store eingelöst werden können, schaute ich mir dies auf der Webseite nun etwas genauer an. Was mir so auf anhieb aufgefallen ist:

    - Online können die Punkte jetzt gegen Prämien und Park Tickets eingelöst werden:

    So wie es aussieht gab es auch ein Bat-Pod...

    - Rabatte für den Store und online Einkauf müssen vorher aktiviert werden:

    Waren das nicht mal 100 Punkte für 5€?? Dafür ist mein Punktestand aber auch mächtig hoch, wurde das ggf. umgerechnet?

    - man kann nun scheinbar auch mit anderen Dingen als mit Einkäufen relativ leicht Punkte sammeln:

    Zudem soll die bisherige Karte ja durch eine digitale Version ersetzt werden. Dazu gibt es dort einen Link, der auf dem Mobiltelefon geöffnet werden soll. Leider ist mir das mit der digitalen Karte aber noch nicht komplett gelungen vielleicht kommt ja einer von euch weiter. War es dann an Änderungen, oder habt ihr noch was entdeckt?

    Liebe Grüße


    Oh man, ihr macht einem das Collab Bauen nicht leicht... zu viele krasse Ablenkungen hier. Sehr geiles Thema, da ich aber demnächst 2 Wochen verreist bin und noch so einiges andere Bauen muss, weiß ich nicht ob ich das schaffe. Aber nach Spaß sieht es auf jeden Fall aus.

    Liebe Grüße


    Sorry für den Doppelpost, aber noch mal ein kurzer Abriss zur Wand gestern. Das war jeweils ein großer PAB Becker:



    Und die hatten noch durchaus weitere interessante Teile da.

    Liebe Grüße
